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We believe that all children should leave primary school as confident writers.


To help develop writing skills we use a range of techniques.  English is taught in blocks of work that last for approximately two weeks.  Initially, the children are immersed in a genre of writing or text type, where they look at the specific features and skills the writer has used to engage the reader.  They might also complete comprehension tasks.  The children then work from a class plan to write a version of the text type. During this part of the unit the teacher has a vocabulary, spelling or grammar focus from their age groups curriculum.  The children are supported at each stage of the writing to trial using the writing skills they have been taught in this and previous units of work.  The third stage of the process is for the children to plan their own version of the text type.  We use 'Boxing Up' as a whole school method for planning.  The children then complete an independent piece of extended writing, using all the skills they have learnt.  Finally, the children have the opportunity to edit their work and 'up skill' their writing.


This ensures that all children write a supported piece of extended writing over a few days and an extended piece of writing, every two weeks.  In addition, children are expected to complete an extended piece of writing in either RE or Foundation subjects every two weeks.  Here they practise the skills they have learnt in their writing lessons while learning about their broader curriculum focus.


